Air Plant Terrarium Care


 Learn how to take care of your air plant terrarium with The Urban Botanist.

While larger air plants standalone on a windowsill or tabletop, we love to include their smaller counterparts in our works of living art -- in fact, our “aeriums” are a special kind of terrarium dedicated entirely to air plants! Here’s what you need to know about caring for air plants in glass.

If you can remove your air plant from it’s glass container:

  • Follow the care regimen outlined above - just remove your plant from the aerium, terrarium or glass in order to mist/soak it, and allow it to dry before replacing it in the glass
  • Keep in mind that keeping your air plant in glass will create a micro-climate: Glass vessels will be more humid and hotter than the surrounding area.
  • Take care not to put glass vessels too close to a window. Glass intensifies the rays of the sun. You don’t want to fry your plant!

If you cannot remove your air plant from it’s glass container:

  • Since your plant won’t come out of the glass, you won’t be able to soak it and so will have to rely solely on misting. This is totally fine.
  • Small glass = less air circulation = longer drying time for plant = less frequent misting.
  • Large glass = more air circulation = shorter drying time for plant = more frequent misting.
  • When misting your air plant, try to mist around the plant, rather than into the plant. You don’t want to over-water it, but rather to create a humid environment.
  • Depending on the vessel, we’d suggest starting by misting weekly, and adjusting as necessary.

How to Care for Mounted Air Plants

Like air plants in small glass vessels, you probably won’t be able to soak your mounted air plant. However, since they’re not contained to a humid, micro-climate like aeriums, mounted air plants will need even more frequent misting. We recommend starting with twice weekly misting, and adjusting as necessary, depending on how long it takes your plant to dry in your space.

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